Ok so I know there are a million and five super-groovy food blogs out there with delicious recipes and sophisticated photography and maybe one day I'll be in their league but for now I just need a place to tell my dinners to.
Although I am not much of a rule-heeder or fan of the Man, I thought I might outline a few things I am committing to do or not do here; if I break my rules, feel free to bust me out just be real nice about it:
- I will remember to wash my hands before I type lest I smear up my dear white keyboard and mouse!
- I will try my darndest not to digress to super food snobbery. Really I will!
- I will not use proper grammar at all times or punctuation or spelling and I will most likely have days when a hired spider monkey would be a better scribe than I. Ha.
- I will not use silly food metaphors and if I do please read in the proper mount of sarcasm.
Today is the day we've waited for. Ok here goes!
Pea shoots in spring are the way to be, because peas in mid-July are a pain in the ass. You have to shuck them, and let me tell you what a pain in the ass that is when you're 14-years-old and all you want to do is go to town and hang out with your friends, but no, dad says you have to shuck two five-gallon pails of peas first. Who eats five gallons of peas??? So, yes, spring pea shoots are the best.
any blog that begins with an ELO reference and features a pic with that kinda smirk can count me as a faithful reader. all the best.
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